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Freud begins by remarking that knowledge of human sexuality has been characterized by fixed ideas and errors. The biggest error that Freud will challenge is the belief that children and infants are not sexual beings. Freud also disputes the common notions that the sex drive is fundamentally an instinct toward or an attraction to the opposite sex, that sexual pleasure and functions pertain primarily to the genitals, and that sex is innately procreative in nature.
Freud is, in fact, arguing for a radical expansion of our understanding of what constitutes sexuality, sexual experience, and a person’s sex life. He proceeds methodically. First, he establishes a conceptual framework by naming two distinct aspects of the sexual impulse or instinct: sexual objects and sexual aims. The sexual object is the other person (or, in certain kinds of perversions, not a person but an animal or a thing) whom the sex instinct leads us to find attractive. The sexual aim is the satisfaction sought through interaction with the sexual object.
Having established these distinctions, Freud will argue that the sexual instinct exists entirely independently of any normative sexual object or sexual aim. To establish this, he turns to the sexual perversions. The first so-called aberration that he discusses is homosexuality. Freud points out that some people—he uses the term “inverts,” prevalent among sexologists at that time—do not desire members of the opposite sex, preferring members of their own sex instead. Freud dismisses the idea that inverts are degenerate, which was not only a popular stereotype of sexual perverts but also an idea elaborated by some sexologists as the cause of sexual inversion. Freud contradicts this theory by noting that inverts are, in fact, often cultured and accomplished people with high ethical development and with no neurotic hang-ups about their sexuality. Freud also mentions that inversion was practiced and even highly esteemed in some ancient societies.
Next, he addresses another then-common explanation for inversion proposed by prominent sexologists in his day. The theory was that inversion exists because of a primary bisexuality or hermaphroditism in the human mind (also in the human body). According to this theory, an invert has a predominance of some quality of the opposite sex, and this determines their object choice. A second version of the innate bisexuality theory suggested that the human mind has two centers, a masculine one and a feminine one. In the case of a male invert, the feminine center was dominant. Freud shows that this theory contains within it the normative view that the innate sexual object is the opposite sex. He gives many examples that complicate and confuse the innate bisexuality theory, and he ultimately rejects it.
Freud also makes clear that he wants to refute the common notion that there is a clear distinction between the homosexual and the heterosexual. He asserts that all human beings are capable of a homosexual “object choice.” Moreover, he claims that in the unconscious, all of us have already chosen a homosexual object.
Freud then discusses other forms of sexual perversion under the element of the sexual aim, ranging from fetishes to bestiality to oral sex, reflecting upon the use of nongenital body parts (and other things, too) in the service of pleasure or as a fixation for the sexual drive. Freud writes about sadomasochism, speculating on the role of aggressiveness in the psyche. Throughout, Freud stresses that sexual perversions exist in continuity with so-called normal sexual drives and practices. He discusses the role of disgust in these perversions, suggesting that one way we can know what falls into the category of a perversion is that it will commonly provoke disgust.
Freud concludes this section on deviations with respect to sexual aim with a discussion of the primitive components that are analyzable in sexual instinct. He speculates that the sexual instinct is itself various and nonunitary. But its components come together or amalgamate in various ways, in one form in what we call normal, but in another form in what we call a perversion.
He then turns to the subject of neurotics and hysterics. Unlike perverts, these people typically experience dysfunction because of their repression of sexuality when the occasion arises to experience it. (Not mentioned here, Freud’s Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria is an exemplary and famous case study that illustrates this.) By contrast, perverts are not repressed, and they do not typically experience neurotic dysfunction. Freud speculates that the neurotic maintains his or her symptoms by expending sexual energy on them. He even says that “the symptoms constitute the sexual activity of the patient” (29). Freud points out that the neurotic is often repressing a perverted desire, and he writes in a famous phrase that the “neuroses are, so to say, the negative of the perversions” (31). In other words, the neurotic symptom forms at the cost of the abnormal sexual impulse.
Having thus deconstructed or analyzed sexuality into something much more fluid and nonunitary than is normally understood, Freud writes about the component instincts and the erotogenic zones of the body. Component instincts, sometimes also called partial instincts, refer to the many possible kinds of erotically charged excitations that can emerge in a body. The erotogenic zones are the several locations where these excitations arise. Freud names the anus, the mouth, and the genitals as erotogenic zones, and he also suggests that even the eye can be an erotogenic zone (in so-called scopophilia), or the skin.
Freud concludes the essay by observing that there is “indeed something innate lying behind the perversions” but “it is something innate in everyone” (37). He writes that it will be necessary to turn to the sex lives of children—to their experiences of the component instincts and the erotogenic zones—to understand the amalgamated forms of adult sexuality that he has been discussing (whether perversions, neuroses, or normal sexual life).
The first essay in the collection introduces key ideas and sets the stage for the psycho-sexual theory that Freud will develop in the second and third essays. Throughout, Freud is taking aim at the common view that sexual life begins in puberty and that sexual desire is, essentially, adult desire for genital intercourse with the opposite sex.
Freud focuses on the perversions in this essay to deconstruct the common view. By the essay’s end, he will have delinked the sexual instinct from any normative object or aim. His analysis and his terminology for the perversions is informed by his study of the works of 19th-century sexologists—in particular, Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s monumental Psychopathia Sexualis (1886), a work that systematically studied and classified the perversions with many case studies.
Right off the bat, Freud introduces the term “sexual instinct” (1). Sometimes modern scholars and psychoanalysts prefer the English word “drive” to translate Freud’s German word here, Trieb. Instinct or drive is a fundamental concept in all of Freud’s work. His theory of drives underwent significant developments in his lifetime, to say nothing of developments in psychoanalysis after Freud. Generally, for Freud, instinct (to retain the standard edition’s translation) involves four elements: a sort of pulsion or pressure, a physiological source, an aim, and an object. The essay identifies aim and object explicitly in its opening pages, but not pulsion or source. These emerge later. By the end of the essay, Freud will have identified the erotogenic zones of the body as sites for excitations of the sexual instinct.
Freud discusses “inversion” extensively in this essay, and the modern reader might be surprised by his apparently tolerant views about homosexuality. This attitude was, in fact, mainstream among educated Germans at the time, despite the fact that antisodomy laws were only recently elaborated in Germany (and also in some other European countries). Homosexuality itself had only recently come into view, so to speak, in that period, whether as a subjective identity, a subcultural community, or a problem for the medical and legal establishments.
Freud notes that sometimes inverts suffer from inner conflicts related to their object choice:
Some of them accept their inversion as something in the natural course of things, just as a normal person accepts the direction of his libido, and insist energetically that inversion is as legitimate as the normal attitude; others rebel against their inversion and feel it as a pathological compulsion (61).
The passage recognizes the dilemmas faced by homosexuals in Freud’s time and ours, but it is also elaborating a distinction between psychological issues that can be treated by psychoanalysis and those that are not relevant to it. In Freud’s understanding, the point of psychoanalysis is to deal with blockages and hang-ups, everything that goes by the name of neurosis. Homosexuality per se, technically a “perversion,” is not neurotic. Freud understands, however, that it can cause neurotic problems for the invert.
When Freud addresses the sexuality of neurotics, he makes clear that whereas perverts are free of neurotic symptoms, neurotics are suppressing perverted impulses. As a result, they experience manifold symptoms that negatively impact their normal functioning in everyday life. As Freud wrote in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess in 1896, “Hysteria is not repudiated sexuality but rather repudiated perversion.” In his discussion of inverts, Freud is saying that one can be better off as an unconflicted pervert than as an inhibited neurotic, at least so far as one’s own psychological functioning is concerned and apart from social pressures.
One of the most challenging and interesting points that Freud makes—and he comes back to it several times—is that a sharp distinction between the normal and abnormal does not exist in reality. He argues repeatedly that all individuals are basically predisposed to perversion, just as he thinks that the neurotic and the normal are indissolubly linked. Just as the neurotic and the normal are continuous and overlapping, so are the perversions and the normal.
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By Sigmund Freud